r - RShiny: Display a single table with multiple inputs using select box -

i have 2 sets of inputs: month(jan ~ dec), quarter(q1 ~ q4) , saved dataframe in r environment. (12 months + 4 quarters, total 16 dataframes)

and have created 2 select boxes can choose display months or quarters picture below.

enter image description here

but when write 2 output$table code, shiny app reactive either month output or quarter output.

i have created 2 tables in single main panel. however, rather display 2 tables(looks ugly), display single table in main panel reacting both select box. (two input , single output).

so have tried write if statement, not work.

here server.r , ui.r have been testing with

ui <- shinyui(fluidpage(  sidebarlayout(     sidebarpanel(       selectinput("dataset", "choose month:",                    choices = c("jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep","oct","nov","dec")),       selectinput("dataset1", "choose quatar:",                    choices = c("q1", "q2", "q3", "q4"))     ),       mainpanel( dt::datatableoutput("table")      )   ) ))   server <- shinyserver(function(input, output) {    monthinput <- reactive({     data = switch(input$dataset,            "jan" = jan, "feb" = feb, "mar" = mar,            "apr" = apr, "may" = may, "jun" = jun,            "jul" = jul, "aug" = aug, "sep" = sep,            "oct" = oct, "nov" = nov, "dec" = dec            )   })      quatarinput <- reactive({     data2 = switch(input$dataset,            "q1" = q1, "q2" = q2, "q3" = q3, "q4" = q4            )   })         #test: add if statement here -> if bla bla month, else quatar(because both switch must work same location table displayed)     output$table <- dt::renderdatatable({        if (input$monthinput){     dt::datatable(monthinput())       } else {         if(input$quatarinput){     dt::datatable(quatarinput())}       }      })     })      shinyapp(ui=ui,server=server) 

and 1 question is possible assign levels in select boxes? example, high level select box has month, or quarter, , when choose month, can choose january december in low level select box. in other words, when choose quarter in high level select box, can choose q1 ~q4 in low level select box.

could me figure out?

i have suggestion how change ui design. rather having 2 selectinputs, have 1 selectinput switches between 2 styles (month , quarter) according input.

# don't have data, here i'm going create some.  delete these lines , replace them actual data jan = overflow::sorandf() feb = overflow::sorandf() mar = overflow::sorandf() apr = overflow::sorandf() may = overflow::sorandf() jun = overflow::sorandf() jul = overflow::sorandf() aug = overflow::sorandf() sep = overflow::sorandf() oct = overflow::sorandf() nov = overflow::sorandf() dec = overflow::sorandf() q1 = overflow::sorandf() q2 = overflow::sorandf() q3 = overflow::sorandf() q4 = overflow::sorandf()   library(shiny) library(dt) ui <- shinyui(fluidpage(   sidebarlayout(     sidebarpanel(       radiobuttons("viewdataradio","view data by:", choices = c("month", "quarter"), inline = true, selected = "month"),       selectinput("dataset", "choose month:",                    choices = c("jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep","oct","nov","dec"))     ),       mainpanel(       dt::datatableoutput("table")      )   ) ))    server <- shinyserver(function(input, output,session) {    observe({     if(input$viewdataradio == "month"){       choices = c("jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep","oct","nov","dec")       firstchoice = "jan"       label = "choose month:"     }else{       choices = c("q1","q2","q3","q4")       firstchoice = "q1"       label = "choose quarter:"     }     updateselectinput(session, "dataset", label = label, choices = choices, selected = firstchoice)   })    data <- reactive({     data = switch(input$dataset,                   "jan" = jan, "feb" = feb, "mar" = mar,                   "apr" = apr, "may" = may, "jun" = jun,                   "jul" = jul, "aug" = aug, "sep" = sep,                   "oct" = oct, "nov" = nov, "dec" = dec,                   "q1" = q1, "q2" = q2, "q3" = q3, "q4" = q4     )    })    output$table <- dt::renderdatatable({     datatable(data())    }) })  shinyapp(ui=ui,server=server)   

this looks neater, , think answers question too.


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