java - using sl4j to log from an eclipse osgi plugin -
i'm using sl4j eclipse (luna) osgi bundles. working fine until upgraded eclipse mars. broke something, somewhere , can't figure out did wrong.
after few hours trying put back, decide write simple osgi bundle test mecanism that, i thought, understood.
i'm going through new osgi wizard , create simple bundle:
the manifest :
manifest-version: 1.0 bundle-manifestversion: 2 bundle-name: service bundle-symbolicname: service bundle-version: 1.0.0.qualifier bundle-activator: service.activator bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment: javase-1.8 import-package: org.osgi.framework;version="1.3.0", org.slf4j require-bundle: ch.qos.logback.classic, ch.qos.logback.core
and activator code is:
public class activator implements bundleactivator { private logger logger=loggerfactory.getlogger(this.getclass()); public void start(bundlecontext context) throws exception { system.out.println("hello world!!"); logger.error("logging error {}", this); } public void stop(bundlecontext context) throws exception { system.out.println("goodbye world!!"); }
and put logback.xml configuration file next
but keep running known message:
slf4j: failed load class "org.slf4j.impl.staticloggerbinder". slf4j: defaulting no-operation (nop) logger implementation slf4j: see further details. hello world!!
when run bundle osgi framework debug target.
i checked url, previous posts on stackexchange , other web sites, can't see what's wrong.
i know has such simple glitch can't see it.
thank help.
you not need require-bundle logback bundle not depend on logback directly. @ runtime have make sure logback installed , slf4j-api not installed.
also see this post how configure logback in osgi.
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