geolocation - Appcelerator Could not find method -
i cant seem geo location work on android seem following bug.
[info] : dalvikvm: not find method, referenced method ti.modules.titanium.geolocation.geolocationmodule.haslocationpermissions [warn] : dalvikvm: vfy: unable resolve virtual method 32: landroid/app/activity;.checkselfpermission (ljava/lang/string;)i [info] : dalvikvm: not find method, referenced method ti.modules.titanium.geolocation.geolocationmodule.requestlocationpermissions [warn] : dalvikvm: vfy: unable resolve virtual method 82: landroid/app/activity;.requestpermissions ([ljava/lang/string;i)v
my code follows.
ti.geolocation.purpose = "please allow find you."; //ti.geolocation.showcalibration = false; if (os_android) { = ti.geolocation.provider_gps; } ti.geolocation.accuracy = ti.geolocation.accuracy_best; ti.geolocation.distancefilter = 10; ti.geolocation.requestlocationpermissions(ti.geolocation.authorization_always, function(e) { console.log(e); if (!e.success || e.error) { var dialog = ti.ui.createalertdialog({ message : 'you not have location permissions enabled.', ok : 'got it', title : 'important' }); dialog.addeventlistener('click', function(e) { if (os_ios) { ti.platform.openurl('app-settings:'); } if (os_android) { var intent ={ action : 'android.settings.application_settings', }); intent.addflags(;; } });; return; } titanium.geolocation.getcurrentposition(getgeoposition); });
when run stales been @ hours trying debug close giving tried can think of.
full code test
function getgeoposition(_event) { console.log(_event); alert(json.stringify(_event)); } ti.geolocation.purpose = "please allow find you."; ti.geolocation.accuracy = ti.geolocation.accuracy_best; ti.geolocation.distancefilter = 10; /** * event listener added in view. * fired when user taps on ti.geolocation button. */ function geolocation() { // new cross-platform way check permissions // first argument required on ios , ignored on other platforms var haslocationpermissions = ti.geolocation.haslocationpermissions(ti.geolocation.authorization_always); if (haslocationpermissions) { alert('you have permission.'); titanium.geolocation.getcurrentposition(getgeoposition); } // on ios can information on reason why might not have permission if (os_ios) { // map constants names var map = {}; map[ti.geolocation.authorization_always] = 'authorization_always'; map[ti.geolocation.authorization_authorized] = 'authorization_authorized'; map[ti.geolocation.authorization_denied] = 'authorization_denied'; map[ti.geolocation.authorization_restricted] = 'authorization_restricted'; map[ti.geolocation.authorization_unknown] = 'authorization_unknown'; map[ti.geolocation.authorization_when_in_use] = 'authorization_when_in_use'; // available since ti 0.8 ios , ti 4.1 windows // returns authorization_unknown on ios<4.2 var locationservicesauthorization = ti.geolocation.locationservicesauthorization; if (locationservicesauthorization === ti.geolocation.authorization_restricted) { alert('because permission restricted policy user cannot change, don\'t request might cause issues.'); } else if (locationservicesauthorization === ti.calendar.authorization_denied) { alert('you denied permission before'); } } // new cross-platform way request permissions // first argument required on ios , ignored on other platforms ti.geolocation.requestlocationpermissions(ti.geolocation.authorization_always, function(e) { if (e.success) { // instead, call same method call if haslocationpermissions() true alert('you granted permission.'); } else if (os_android) { alert('you denied permission now, forever or dialog did not show @ because denied forever before.'); } else { // check authorization_denied earlier can sure denied , not before ti.ui.createalertdialog({ title : 'you denied permission.', // end here if nslocationalwaysusagedescription missing tiapp.xml in case e.error message : e.error }).show(); } }); } geolocation(); // handle url in case resumed app"resume", function() { geolocation(); });
finding latest version ...5.1.0 ✓ version 5.1.0 installed. ? plan on developing titanium apps? yes
checking environment... have latest titanium sdk release congrats! no issues detected developing cross-platform mobile apps! appc setup complete!
update manage working why!!!!
ok managed working going locations setting , turing them off , on again , click agree???? weird cant right?
this soooo annoying have everytime locations services work?
update think 1 of main reasons have been getting issue because requesting permissions on every load on post layout event listener seems fix issue.
var haslocationpermissions = ti.geolocation.haslocationpermissions(ti.geolocation.authorization_always); if (haslocationpermissions) { alert('you have permission.'); titanium.geolocation.getcurrentposition(getgeoposition); } else { ti.geolocation.requestlocationpermissions(ti.geolocation.authorization_always, function(e) { if (e.success) { titanium.geolocation.getcurrentposition(getgeoposition); } else if (os_android) { alert('you denied permission now, forever or dialog did not show @ because denied forever before.'); } else { // check authorization_denied earlier can sure denied , not before ti.ui.createalertdialog({ title: 'you denied permission.', // end here if nslocationalwaysusagedescription missing tiapp.xml in case e.error message: e.error }).show(); } }); }
still seem getting sorts of other issues gps isnt activate each time ill keep @ , report updates.
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