c# - Check illegal characters on uploaded excel file in asp.net mvc -

i'm using asp.net mvc 4 make website user can upload .xlsx file , save data mssql table. want make sure there no illegal characters such sql injection statements in file before saving datas. far tested out $ sign works fine it'll catch if cell has character, not in between characters. here code,


    public actionresult bulkreadings()     {         string pathtoexcelfile = system.io.path.combine(server.mappath("~/excelfiles/"), "bulkreads.xlsx");         string sheetname = "sheet1";          var excelfile = new excelqueryfactory(pathtoexcelfile);         var getsheet = in excelfile.worksheet(sheetname) select a;         string subject = "";         string type = "";         string reading = "";          foreach (var in getsheet)         {             if (a["subject"] == "$" || a["type"] == "$" || a["reading"] == "$")  // checks "$" sign             {                 if (system.io.file.exists(pathtoexcelfile))                 {                     system.io.file.delete(pathtoexcelfile);                 }                 tempdata["meter_fail"] = "error! illegal characters!";                 return redirecttoaction("metermanager");             }             else             {                 subject = a["subject"];                 type = a["type"];                 reading = a["reading"];                 try                 {                     reading newentry = new reading();                     newentry.title = subject;                     newentry.type = type;                     newentry.reading1 = reading;                     rentdb.readings.add(newentry);                 }                 catch                 {                     if (system.io.file.exists(pathtoexcelfile))                     {                         system.io.file.delete(pathtoexcelfile);                     }                     tempdata["meter_fail"] = "error! upload failed!";                     return redirecttoaction("metermanager");                 }             }         }         rentdb.savechanges();         if (system.io.file.exists(pathtoexcelfile))         {             system.io.file.delete(pathtoexcelfile);         }         tempdata["meter_success"] = "reading(s) uploaded successfully!";         return redirecttoaction("metermanager");     } 

how can check multiple illegal characters can present single or other characters in cell? need badly! thanks.

as @sam axe stated, best way avoid sql injection attacks parameterize queries. parameters placeholders values instead of using user-input values.

for example:

using (sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(northwindconnectionstring)) {     string query = "select * products productid = @id";     sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(query, conn);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@id", request.querystring["id"]);     conn.open();     using (sqldatareader rdr = cmd.executereader())     {         detailsview1.datasource = rdr;         detailsview1.databind();     } } 

here further reading on it: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/bb738521(v=vs.100).aspx


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