regex - Why does New-AzureRmVM give entity name error? -
when run code powershell ise
new-azurermvm -resourcegroupname $resourcegroupname -location $location -vm $vm
i error
new-azurermvm : entity name invalid according validation rule: ^[^_\w][\w-._]{0,79}(?<![-.])$. statuscode: 400 reasonphrase: bad request operationid : 'my-operation-id' @ line:1 char:1 + new-azurermvm -resourcegroupname $resourcegroupname -location $location -vm $vm + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + categoryinfo : closeerror: (:) [new-azurermvm], computecloudexception + fullyqualifiederrorid :
$resourcegroupname contains resource group name, "" in example.
$location contains "east 2".
$vm contains vm config below
resourcegroupname : id : name : foobar type : location : tags : null availabilitysetreference : null diagnosticsprofile : { "bootdiagnostics": { "enabled": true, "storageuri": "" } } extensions : null hardwareprofile : { "vmsize": "basic_a0" } instanceview : null networkprofile : { "networkinterfaces": [ { "properties.primary": null, "id": "/subscriptions/my-sub-id/resourcegroups/ etworkinterfaces/foobar" } ] } osprofile : { "computername": "foobar", "adminusername": "admin", "adminpassword": "password", "customdata": null, "windowsconfiguration": { "provisionvmagent": true, "enableautomaticupdates": true, "timezone": "utc-05:00", "additionalunattendcontent": null, "winrm": null }, "linuxconfiguration": null, "secrets": null } plan : null provisioningstate : storageprofile : { "imagereference": { "publisher": "microsoftwindowsserver", "offer": "windowsserver", "sku": "windows-server-technical-preview", "version": "latest" }, "osdisk": { "ostype": null, "encryptionsettings": null, "name": "os disk", "vhd": { "uri": "" }, "image": null, "caching": null, "createoption": "fromimage", "disksizegb": null }, "datadisks": [ { "lun": 0, "name": "data disk", "vhd": { "uri": "" }, "image": null, "caching": null, "createoption": "empty", "disksizegb": 20 } ] } datadisknames : {data disk} networkinterfaceids : {/subscriptions/my-sub-id/resourcegroups/ aces/foobar}
can please tell me entity name referring is? name of vm, name of 1 of storage locations, etc? far can tell, matches regex don't understand why i'm getting error. googling command name brings few hits, , none mention entity names @ all.
never mind, figured out through trial , error. data , os disks apparently can't have spaces in name. would've helped if azure ps module better documented.
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