jquery - In DataTables Display current records indexes and total records in Language : Info : tag -

i new jquery data tables. have requirement in have display last ten entered records in data table no pagination or sorting.i able last ten records ajax call. in header , footer have record information. right if have total 25 records , displaying last 10, table header/footer show : records 1 10 of 10. because have language tag below:

"language":{    "info":  "records _start_ _end_ of _max_", }, 

but requirement display: records 5 15 of 15 or 7 17 of 17.

i checked data tables website, had these info keywords :

this info got data tables

but _max_ not getting total records _start_ , _end_ getting records 1 10 of 10 if record sequence number getting displayed in table 5 15

any appreciated. please ask questions if description not enough.

here data table initialization code:

var table = $('#mydatatable').datatable({      "dom":'<i><"clear"><p><"bottomfmarg"f>t<i><"clear"><p>',     responsive: false,     "processing": true,     "ajax":{        "url":"url",<%-- data served via ajax request --%>        "type":"post"     },       "deferrender": true,     "columns": [              { "data": "col1"},              { "data": "col2"},              { "data": "col3"}               ,{ "data": null,"defaultcontent": "","orderable": false}     ],     "paging": false,     "info": true,     "ordering":true,     "searching":false,     "serverside":false,     "pagingtype": "simple_numbers",     "lengthchange": false,     "pagelength":50, <%-- controls pagination length --%>     "autowidth":true,     "language":{        "emptytable":     "no records",        "info":           "records _start_ _end_ of _max_",        "infoempty":      "0 records",        "infofiltered":   "filtered _max_ total record(s)",        "loadingrecords": "loading records",        "infopostfix":    "",        "thousands":      ",",        "search":         "filter search results:",        "zerorecords":    "0 records"     } }); 


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