php - Language locale does not change with App::setLocale but updates on Session::put() in laravel 5.2 -

am working on multi-lingual support laravel app, materials have seen online passing locale app facade , calling setlocale method translates website, have tried no luck.

in routes file, have this

route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {   route::get('change-locale', ['uses' => 'homecontroller@changelocale', 'as' => 'locale.change']); }); 

homecontroller@changelocale have...

namespace gudaapp\http\controllers; use illuminate\http\request;  use gudaapp\http\requests; use gudaapp\http\controllers\controller; class homecontroller extends controller { public function changelocale(request $request) {     if(empty($request->locale)) { redirect()->back()->withmessage('unknown locale, please, if problem persists, contact admin.'); }     session()->put('locale', $request->locale);     return redirect()->back()->withmessage('your locale has been changed <b>'.$request->locale.'</b>')->withmessagetype('success'); } } 

and in view sends request..

<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownmenu1">    @foreach(config('app.languages') $locale => $lang)        <li class="{{ session('locale') == $locale ? 'active' : '' }}">            <a href="{!! route('locale.change', ['locale'=> $locale]) !!}" ><img src='{!! asset($lang["flag"]) !!}' alt="" />&nbsp;{{ $lang['language'] }}</a>         </li>   @endforeach </ul> 

i notification succesful, app::getlocale() still remains default , therefore website doesn't translated. need help.

are configuring locale session when application booting? in boot method of service provider, e.g:

// app/providers/appserviceprovider.php public function boot() {     $locale = $this->app['session']->get('locale'); // same session()->get(... , session::get(...     $this->app->setlocale($locale); // equal app()->setlocale(... , app::setlocale(... } 

you might want here assure locale valid.


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