javascript - findOne() doesn't work - is something wrong with my syntax? -

db creation:

var mongojs = require('mongojs'); var db = mongojs('rodrigo-contatos', ['rodrigo-contatos']); 

i'm trying search in database code, using findone mongojs, code:

app.get('/detalhescontato/:id', function(req, res){ var id =; console.log(id); db.contatos.findone({_id: mongojs.objectid(id)}, function(err, doc)    {  console.log(err);   res.json(doc);  }); 

console.log(id) id correct findone not working no matter ;(.

"567a16ba28dee028f4a8ad78 <-- console log id

typeerror: cannot read property 'findone' of undefined @ /users/michel/documents/angularprojects/rodrigobranaslistatelefonica/server.js:48:12"

with mongojs, need explicitly identify collections want access properties of db when call mongojs create db object. because you're trying access contatos collection, name needs provided mongojs call in second (array of strings) parameter:

var db = mongojs('rodrigo-contatos', ['contatos']); 

or can skip short-cut access db , collection later:

var contatos = db.collection('contatos'); contatos.findone(...); 


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