java - Populate Spinner with ArrayList object -

i have spinner want populate arraylist holding custom objects gets it's data sqlite. each object contains multiple fields , want 1 of fields , use spinner entries.

i have gotten far using this tutorial looks spinner populating whole object instead of string want - spinner entries like;

  • getsiteapproaches:com.herbert.cruisespeed.approach@3e1725c
  • getsiteapproaches:com.herbert.cruisespeed.approach@6fde965
  • getsiteapproaches:com.herbert.cruisespeed.approach@57563a

in activity have;

db = new sqlitehelper(getapplicationcontext()); approachlist = db.getsiteapproaches(currentsiteid); arrayadapter<approach> sadapter = new arrayadapter<approach>(this, android.r.layout.simple_spinner_item, approachlist); toolbarspinner.setadapter(sadapter); 

and approach class:

package com.cruisespeed.herbert.cruisespeed;   public class approach {      int _id;     int _siteid;     string _approachname;     int _speedlimit;     int _distance;     string _createddatetime;       // constructors      public approach(){      }      public approach(int id, int siteid, string approachname, string createddatetime) {         this._id = id;         this._siteid = siteid;         this._approachname = approachname;         this._createddatetime = createddatetime;     }      public approach(int siteid, string approachname, string createddatetime) {         this._siteid = siteid;         this._approachname = approachname;         this._createddatetime = createddatetime;     }      // getters      public int getid(){         return this._id;     }      public int getsiteid(){         return this._siteid;     }      public string getapproachname(){         return this._approachname;     }      public int getspeedlimit(){         return this._speedlimit;     }      public int getdistance(){         return this._distance;     }      public string getcreateddatetime(){         return this._createddatetime;     }      // setters      public void setid(int id){         this._id = id;     }      public void setsiteid(int siteid){         this._siteid = siteid;     }      public void setapproachname(string approachname){         this._approachname = approachname;     }      public void setspeedlimit(int speedlimit){         this._speedlimit = speedlimit;     }      public void setdistance(int distance){         this._distance = distance;     }      public void setcreateddatetime(string createddatetime){         this._createddatetime = createddatetime;     } } 

and sqlitehelper class

// fetch approaches specific siteid public arraylist<approach> getsiteapproaches(int siteid){     arraylist<approach> approaches = new arraylist<approach>();     sqlitedatabase database = this.getreadabledatabase();      string selectquery = "select * " + table_approaches + " " + key_site_id + " = " + siteid;      log.e(log, selectquery);      cursor c = database.rawquery(selectquery, null);      if (c.movetofirst()){     {         approach ap = new approach();         ap.setid(c.getint(c.getcolumnindex(key_approach_id)));         ap.setsiteid(c.getint(c.getcolumnindex(key_site_id)));         ap.setapproachname(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex(key_approach_name)));         ap.setspeedlimit(c.getint(c.getcolumnindex(key_approach_speed_limit)));         ap.setdistance(c.getint(c.getcolumnindex(key_approach_distance)));         ap.setcreateddatetime(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex(key_created_at)));          approaches.add(ap);         log.e(log, "getsiteapproaches:" + string.valueof(ap)); // todo debugging spinner     } while (c.movetonext()); }     c.close(); return approaches; } 

i have checked not found solutions specific issue - spinner populating looks holding whole object, want display approachname field.

you should override tostring() in approach class

 @override  public string tostring() {     return _approachname.tostring(); } 


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