saga - How can I correlate events in a masstransit state machine without using a Guid? -

i have defined following state machine in masstransit:

public class orderstatemachine : masstransitstatemachine<orderstate> {     public orderstatemachine()     {         instancestate(x => x.status);          event(() => ordercreated, x => x.correlateby(order => order.ordercode, ctx => ctx.message.ordercode).selectid(ctx => newid.nextguid()));          //how should select id these events?         event(() => orderprovisioned, x => x.correlateby(order => order.ordercode, ctx => ctx.message.ordercode));         event(() => orderinvoiced, x => x.correlateby(order => order.ordercode, ctx => ctx.message.ordercode));          state(() => created);         state(() => finished);          compositeevent(() => orderfinished, order => order.compositestatus, orderprovisioned, orderinvoiced);          initially(             when(ordercreated)                 .then(context => console.writeline("order created"))                 .transitionto(created));          during(created,             when(orderfinished)                 .then(context => console.writeline("order finished"))                 .transitionto(finished)                 .finalize());      }      public state created { get; set; }     public state finished { get; set; }      public event<ordercreated> ordercreated { get; set; }     public event<orderprovisioned> orderprovisioned { get; set; }     public event<orderinvoiced> orderinvoiced { get; set; }     public event orderfinished { get; set; }  }  public class orderstate : sagastatemachineinstance {     public guid correlationid { get; set; }      public string ordercode { get; set; }     public string status { get; set; }     public compositeeventstatus compositestatus { get; set; }  }  public class ordercreated {     public string ordercode { get; set; }      public ordercreated(string ordercode)     {         ordercode = ordercode;     } }  public class orderinvoiced {     public string ordercode { get; set; }      public orderinvoiced(string ordercode)     {         ordercode = ordercode;     }  }  public class orderprovisioned {     public string ordercode { get; set; }      public orderprovisioned(string ordercode)     {         ordercode = ordercode;     } } 

how can correlate orderprovisoned , orderinvoiced event same orderstate instance initial ordercreated event without sending guids in events , use ordercode property correlate them? if run example, never orderfinished event if both orderprovisioned , orderinvoiced sent, if add guids events , correlate them based on guid executed correctly.

i solved it, apparently must explicitly set custom correlationid on statemachine instance, expect masstransit me. adapted code initial state:

            initially(             when(ordercreated)                 .then(context => context.instance.ordercode =                 .then(context => console.writeline("order created"))                 .transitionto(created)); 

also using saga factory works, think drop selectid logic saga factory overrules this, exception.

        event(() => ordercreated,             x =>             {                 x.correlateby(order => order.ordercode, ctx => ctx.message.ordercode);                 x.insertoninitial = true;                 x.setsagafactory(context => new orderstate                 {                     correlationid = newid.nextguid(),                     ordercode = context.message.ordercode                 });                 x.selectid(context => newid.nextguid());             }); 


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