oracle11g - PHP 5.1.4 not loading php_oci8.dll on Windows 10 -

when want login php oracle 11g in windows 10 return null value. in windows 7 xmlhttp.response , response text true.why php can not connect oracle in windows 10? sample code login:

var url = "ajax_index.php?cstatus=chklogin&id=""&passwd="+form.passwd.value;      xmlhttp = uzxmlhttp();"get", url, false);             xmlhttp.send(null);      result = xmlhttp.responsetext;     if(result!="true"){         if(result=="false"){             alert('invalid user/password ');         }else{             alert(result);         }            } 

and connection is:

 $db="(description = (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = localhost)(port = 1521)) (connect_data = (server = dedicated) (service_name = xe)))"; $oracle_user="sfcorclp"; $oracle_pwd="sfcorclp"; 

this same code work fine in windows 7 in windows 10 hits else condition alert(result);


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