android - Revolute joint in libgdx is not rotating back(not working) when limit reaches.How to control revolute joint based on user touch -
i have been searching how control revolute joint in libgdx box2d based on user touch , revolute joint being stopped after reached upper there way control revolute joint ?
` jd = new revolutejointdef(); jd.initialize(bodypivot, boxbody, anchor); jd.lowerangle = 0.75f * (float)3.14; // -90 degrees jd.upperangle = 0.75f * (float)3.14; // 45 degrees jd.collideconnected=false; jd.enablelimit = true; jd.maxmotortorque = 1000.0f; jd.enablemotor=false; jd.motorspeed = 0f*(float)3.14; rj = (revolutejoint) world.createjoint(jd);`
i tried using rj.enablemotor(true)
didn't work
when create joint current relative angle between bodies taken 0 when comes specifying limits.
if joint keeps rotating in same direction time limits don't change, because new starting point 0 far limits concerned.
jointdef.upperangle = mathutils.pi; jointdef.lowerangle = 0;//the position when joint created
but if joint supposed rotate original position before coming down, like:
jointdef.upperangle = attop ? 0 : mathutils.pi; jointdef.lowerangle = attop ? -mathutils.pi : 0;
i found answer here
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