selenium - How to not Hard code the program in java? Used property file. But unable to use it with multiple xpaths? -
scenario: download new month report site.
month.txt: oct(2015) unconventional wells
here structure:
#browser browser= #drop-down box list_box= .//*[@id='reportviewercontrol_ctl04_ctl03_ddvalue'] #view report button view_report = .//*[@id='reportviewercontrol_ctl04_ctl00'] #save button save_button = .//*[@id='reportviewercontrol_ctl05_ctl04_ctl00_button'] #csv button csv_button = .//*[@id='reportviewercontrol_ctl05_ctl04_ctl00_menu']/div[2]/a #read path read_path = e:\\ashik\\wkspselenium\\propertypractice\\src\\package1\\month.txt #write path write_path = e:\\ashik\\wkspselenium\\propertypractice\\src\\package1\\month.txt
package package1; import; import; import; import java.util.list; import; import; import org.openqa.selenium.webdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.webelement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.firefoxdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.firefoxprofile; import package1.fileaccessing; public class implementaion { public static webdriver driver; public fileinputstream fis; public static string propertyfilepath=""; public string browsername; //to key value property file public string getproperty(string key) throws ioexception, filenotfoundexception{ fis=new fileinputstream(propertyfilepath); properties prop=new properties(); prop.load(fis); return prop.getproperty(key); } public static void initiate_webdriver() throws ioexception { // changing default file downloading location path using firefoxprofile.setpreference method. firefoxprofile fprofile = new firefoxprofile(); fprofile.setpreference("",2); fprofile.setpreference("",false); //file download path fprofile.setpreference("", "e:\\"); //need ask muthu //csv format download data fprofile.setpreference("browser.helperapps.neverask.savetodisk", "text/csv"); //automatically downloads file without manual selection fprofile.setpreference("browser.helperapps.alwaysask.force",false); fprofile.setpreference("",false); fprofile.setpreference("",false); //assigning created profile firefox driver webdriver driver=new firefoxdriver(fprofile); } //to url in browser public static void get_url(string link) throws interruptedexception { driver.get(link); driver.manage().window().maximize(); } //to select value visible text in drop down public static void downloads_new_month(string xpath, string value) throws interruptedexception { webelement mselectelement = driver.findelement(by.xpath(xpath)); list<webelement> optionslist = mselectelement.findelements(by.tagname("option")); fileaccessing fileaccessobject = new fileaccessing(); //reading txt month txt file string oldmonth = fileaccessobject.gettheoldmonthfromfile(propertyfilepath); system.out.println("the old month is: " + oldmonth); string newmonth =""; (int = 2; < optionslist.size(); i++) { webelement element = optionslist.get(i); newmonth = element.gettext(); //message prints new month system.out.println("the new month is:"+newmonth); /*condition check if new month equal old month, if not equal proceeds * download particular month data or else breaks loop */ if (oldmonth.equals(newmonth)) { system.out.println("no new months available download"); driver.close(); break; }else if (i==2 & !(oldmonth.equals(newmonth))) { //else if (!(oldmonth.equals(newmonth))) {; //click on view report button driver.findelement(by.xpath(xpath)).click(); //wait time load selected month data wait(20000);} public static savebutton(string xpath2 , string value2) throws interruptedexception{ //click on file save button driver.findelement(by.xpath(xpath2)).click(); //wait time load file format options wait(20000); } public static void csvbutton(string xpath3 , string value3) throws interruptedexception{ //click on csv format button driver.findelement(by.xpath(xpath3)).click(); wait(10000); //success message indicate data downloaded in csv format system.out.println("new month data downloaded in csv format:" + newmonth); } //saves new month txt file public static void save_new_month() { fileaccessobject.saveintoafile(newmonth, propertyfilepath); //closes web page once file downloaded driver.close(); break; } } } public static void wait(int time){ try { thread.sleep(time); } catch (exception e) { // todo: handle exception } } }
i have set browser initialization , opening, how use in download_new_month method, there 3 xpath's has clicked download report when condition met. please help.
at starting of class used below one
public static webdriver driver;
again in public static void initiate_webdriver() method, using
webdriver driver=new firefoxdriver(fprofile);
looks not correct here, driver declared globally, please use
driver=new firefoxdriver(fprofile);
in initiate_webdriver() method.
thank you, murali
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