javascript - AngularJS request model before another model create [NodeJS] -

i trying create simple webapp on mean stack.

i want create offer belongs exposition, don't know how request exposition before call createoffer.

here code

$stateprovider   .state('offer', {     url: "/exposition/:expid/offer/",     templateurl: 'app/exposition/listoffers.tpl.html',     controller: 'offerscontroller'   })   .state('offercreate', {     url: "/exposition/:expid/offer/create/",     templateurl: 'app/exposition/createoffer.tpl.html',     controller: 'offerscontroller'   })   .state('offerview', {     url: "/exposition/:expid/offer/:id/",     templateurl: 'app/exposition/detailsoffer.tpl.html',     controller: 'offerscontroller'   }); 

and controller

offerapp.controller('offerscontroller', ['$scope', '$resource', '$state', '$location', 'offerupdateservice', 'upload',     function ($scope, $resource, $state, $location, offerupdateservice, upload) {       var offerresource = $resource('/offer/:id');       var expositionresource = $resource('/exposition/:id');       $scope.offerupdateservice = new offerupdateservice();       var loadoffers = function () {         return offerresource.query(function (results) {           $scope.offers = results;           if ($ {             $scope.findoffer($;           }           if ($state.params.expid) {             expositionresource.findexposition($state.params.expid);           }         });       };     } ]); 

is correct idea? want load exposition before offer , map offer model.

thank you.

you need use promise chain this. i'm not entirely clear how resource objects work (as use $q & $http instead, docs indicate return objects restful apis). here example of requesting 2 resources in sequential order:

var offerresource = $resource('/offer/:id'); var expositionresource = $resource('/exposition/:id'); expositionresource.get({id:123}).$promise.then( function(rsp, rspheaders){       //set model id how want =      //now hit next api in sequence     offerresource.query({}).$promise.then( function(rsp2, rspheaders2){         //you can again if need 3rd sequential call     }) }) 


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