Create custom notification with custom type face in android -

hi see app create , show custom notification custom typeface , googling , found this question.
not work me code

public static void customnotificationv(context context,                                        string message,boolean enter) {      spannablestringbuilder sb = new spannablestringbuilder(message);      sb.setspan(new customtypefacespan("", constants.molla), 0, sb.length() - 1,             spanned.span_exclusive_inclusive);      int icon=r.drawable.ex;      // create new id     date date = new date();     int notificationid = (int) date.gettime();     long when = system.currenttimemillis();     notificationmanager notificationmanager = (notificationmanager) context             .getsystemservice(context.notification_service);     notification notification = new notification(icon, message, when);      intent notificationintent = new intent(context, splash.class);     // set intent not start new activity     notificationintent.setflags(intent.flag_activity_clear_top             | intent.flag_activity_single_top);     pendingintent intent = pendingintent.getactivity(context,             notificationid, notificationintent, 0);     remoteviews contentview = new remoteviews(context             .getapplicationcontext().getpackagename(),             r.layout.custom_notification);     contentview.setimageviewresource(,             icon);      contentview.settextviewtext(, sb);     notification.contentview = contentview;     notification.contentintent = intent;      notification.flags |= notification.flag_auto_cancel;     notificationmanager.notify(notificationid, notification); } 

and customtypefacespan class

package tools;  import; import; import android.text.textpaint; import;  /**  * created mk-rad on 08/02/2015.  */  public class customtypefacespan extends typefacespan { private final typeface newtype;  public customtypefacespan(string family, typeface type) {     super(family);     newtype = type; }  @override public void updatedrawstate(textpaint ds) {     applycustomtypeface(ds, newtype); }  @override public void updatemeasurestate(textpaint paint) {     applycustomtypeface(paint, newtype); }  private static void applycustomtypeface(paint paint, typeface tf) {     int oldstyle;     typeface old = paint.gettypeface();     if (old == null) {         oldstyle = 0;     } else {         oldstyle = old.getstyle();     }      int fake = oldstyle & ~tf.getstyle();     if ((fake & typeface.bold) != 0) {         paint.setfakeboldtext(true);     }      if ((fake & typeface.italic) != 0) {         paint.settextskewx(-0.25f);     }      paint.settypeface(tf); } } 

but when use code nothing happens , notification shows defualt typeface.
can me this?

i think should alternate way of displaying custom text, have found post check , hope might find useful. though creating bitmap can customization.


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