c# - Windows Universal App - Download all Blobs from Azure Container -
i have universal windows app.
i trying download blobs azure container when app starts. code:
public mainpage() { this.initializecomponent(); downloadblobs(); } public async void downloadblobs() { cloudstorageaccount storageaccount = new cloudstorageaccount(new storagecredentials("accountname", "accountkey"), true); cloudblobclient blobclient = storageaccount.createcloudblobclient(); cloudblobcontainer container = blobclient.getcontainerreference("containername"); //--------------------- int filename = 1; var client = storageaccount.createcloudblobclient(); blobcontinuationtoken continuationtoken = null; string prefix = null; bool useflatbloblisting = true; bloblistingdetails bloblistingdetails = bloblistingdetails.all; int maxblobsperrequest = 2500; list<ilistblobitem> blobs = new list<ilistblobitem>(); { var listingresult = await container.listblobssegmentedasync(prefix, useflatbloblisting, bloblistingdetails, maxblobsperrequest, continuationtoken, null, null); continuationtoken = listingresult.continuationtoken; blobs.addrange(listingresult.results); using (var filestream = system.io.file.openwrite(@"\newimages\" + filename + ".jpg")) { var blobreference = blobclient.getblobreferencefromserverasync(blobs.uri); file downloadedfile = new file(blobreference + ".jpg"); filename++; } } while (continuationtoken != null); }
im getting errors on 2 lines:
var blobreference = blobclient.getblobreferencefromserverasync(blobs.uri); file downloadedfile = new file(blobreference + ".jpg");
my errors are:
listblobitem not contain definition of uri.
cannot declare variable of static type file.
cannot create instance of static class file.
you need enumerate blobs in container, container.listblobssegmentedasync()
. container reference doesn't have list of blobs automatically downloaded it.
for reference, see here.
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