compiler optimization - High compilation time and CPU in Idris -
i'm playing little formalisation in idris , i'm having strange behaviour: high compilation time , cpu usage function.
the code regex pattern matching algorithm. first regex definition:
data regexp : type 0 : regexp eps : regexp chr : char -> regexp cat : regexp -> regexp -> regexp alt : regexp -> regexp -> regexp star : regexp -> regexp comp : regexp -> regexp
regex membership , non-membership defined following mutually recursive data types:
mutual data notinregexp : list char -> regexp -> type notinzero : notinregexp xs 0 notineps : not (xs = []) -> notinregexp xs eps notinchr : not (xs = [ c ]) -> notinregexp xs (chr c) notincat : zs = xs ++ ys -> (either (notinregexp xs l) ((inregexp xs l) ,(notinregexp ys r))) -> notinregexp zs (cat l r) notinalt : notinregexp xs l -> notinregexp xs r -> notinregexp xs (alt l r) notinstar : notinregexp xs eps -> notinregexp xs (cat e (star e)) -> notinregexp xs (star e) notincomp : inregexp xs e -> notinregexp xs (comp e) data inregexp : list char -> regexp -> type ineps : inregexp [] eps inchr : inregexp [ ] (chr a) incat : inregexp xs l -> inregexp ys r -> zs = xs ++ ys -> inregexp zs (cat l r) inaltl : inregexp xs l -> inregexp xs (alt l r) inaltr : inregexp xs r -> inregexp xs (alt l r) instar : inregexp xs (alt eps (cat e (star e))) -> inregexp xs (star e) incomp : notinregexp xs e -> inregexp xs (comp e)
after these rather long definitions, define smart constructor alternatives:
infixl 4 .|. (.|.) : regexp -> regexp -> regexp 0 .|. e = e e .|. 0 = e e .|. e' = alt e e'
now, want prove smart constructor sound , complete respect regex membership semantics. proofs straightforward induction / case analysis. but, 1 of these proofs demanding lot of time , cpu compile (around 90% of cpu in mac os x el capitan).
the offending function is:
altoptnotincomplete : notinregexp xs (alt l r) -> notinregexp xs (l .|. r) altoptnotincomplete {l = zero} (notinalt x y) = y altoptnotincomplete {l = eps}{r = zero} (notinalt x y) = x altoptnotincomplete {l = eps}{r = eps} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = eps}{r = (chr x)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = eps}{r = (cat x y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = eps}{r = (alt x y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = eps}{r = (star x)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = eps}{r = (comp x)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (chr x)}{r = zero} (notinalt y z) = y altoptnotincomplete {l = (chr x)}{r = eps} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (chr x)}{r = (chr y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (chr x)}{r = (cat y z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (chr x)}{r = (alt y z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (chr x)}{r = (star y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (chr x)}{r = (comp y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (cat x y)}{r = zero} (notinalt z w) = z altoptnotincomplete {l = (cat x y)}{r = eps} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (cat x y)}{r = (chr z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (cat x y)}{r = (cat z w)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (cat x y)}{r = (alt z w)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (cat x y)}{r = (star z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (cat x y)}{r = (comp z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (alt x y)}{r = zero} (notinalt z w) = z altoptnotincomplete {l = (alt x y)}{r = eps} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (alt x y)}{r = (chr z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (alt x y)}{r = (cat z w)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (alt x y)}{r = (alt z w)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (alt x y)}{r = (star z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (alt x y)}{r = (comp z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (star x)}{r = zero} (notinalt y z) = y altoptnotincomplete {l = (star x)}{r = eps} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (star x)}{r = (chr y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (star x)}{r = (cat y z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (star x)}{r = (alt y z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (star x)}{r = (star y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (star x)}{r = (comp y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (comp x)}{r = zero} (notinalt y z) = y altoptnotincomplete {l = (comp x)}{r = eps} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (comp x)}{r = (chr y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (comp x)}{r = (cat y z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (comp x)}{r = (alt y z)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (comp x)}{r = (star y)} pr = pr altoptnotincomplete {l = (comp x)}{r = (comp y)} pr = pr
i can't understand why function demanding cpu. there way "optimize" code in order compilation behaves normally?
the previous code available @ following gist. i'm using idris 0.10 on mac os x el capitan.
any clue highly welcome.
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