Service not defining when injecting it for Karma testing - AngularJS -
i've seen few of these questions on internet, none of answers seem solve problem. have service works in served app, when test in karma not being defined.
i've got modules , associated controllers, directives , services in src
folder. structure of file follows:
angular.module('cst-error-framework', ['md.alerts', 'md.input', 'md.modals']); angular.module('md.alerts', []) .directive(//..associated directives here angular.module('md.input', []) //blah blah blah angular.module('md.modals', []) //directives , controllers .factory('mderrorhandler', function () { //contents here });
i know seems bit cumbersome there other reasons have in 1 file.
then spec mderrorhandler
describe('service errorhandler', function () { beforeeach(function() { module('cst-error-framework'); angular.mock.module('templates'); }); var mderrorhandler; beforeeach(inject(function(_mderrorhandler_){ mderrorhandler = _mderrorhandler_; console.log(mderrorhandler); }));
here karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) { config.set({ basepath: '', frameworks: ['jasmine'], files: [ 'bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js', 'bower_components/angular/angular.js', 'bower_components/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.js', 'bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', 'dist/cst-error-framework.js', 'dist/cst-error-framework.css', 'src/**/templates/*.html', 'src/helpers/*.js', 'src/**/test/*.spec.js' ], preprocessors : { 'src/**/templates/*.html': 'ng-html2js' }, nghtml2jspreprocessor: { stripprefix: 'src/', modulename: 'templates' }, exclude: [], port: 9876, loglevel: config.log_info, autowatch: true, browsers: [process.env.travis ? 'firefox' : 'chrome'], singlerun: false }); 'use strict'; };
then when run karma tests, mderrorhandler
not being defined, result of console.log
any idea what's going on? order karma loading stuff? avoid having refactor main .js
edit starting suspect maybe in gulpfile causing issues? here karma gulp task:
gulp.task('karma', ['build'], function(done) { karma.start({ configfile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js', singlerun: true }, done); });
when instantiate module in test, don't need function declaration.
so instead of
beforeeach(function() { module('cst-error-framework'); angular.mock.module('templates'); });
beforeeach(module('cst-error-framework'); beforeeach(angular.mock.module('templates');
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