authentication - Spring security - Restricting Authenticated User redirection to Login -

after login, when login url accessed out logging out, login page shown, not want login page, instead remain on same page when login url accessed address bar.

following security configuration:

<form-login login-page="/" authentication-failure-url =     "/" default-target-url="/" always-use-default-    target="false" />  

one solution come across redirect page, if role not 'role_anonymous'

<sec:authorize ifnotgranted="role_anonymous">   <% response.sendredirect("/mainpage.jsp"); %> </sec:authorize> 

but can similar configuration done in security configuration file ?

i solved handlerinterceptor because dont know build in solution.

import org.springframework.web.util.urlpathhelper; ...  public class preventloginpageforloggedinuserinterceptor extends handlerinterceptoradapter {       private urlpathhelper urlpathhelper = new urlpathhelper();      @override     public boolean prehandle(httpservletrequest request,                              httpservletresponse response,                              object handler)                    throws exception {           if (urlpathhelper.getlookuppathforrequest(request).startswith("/login"))              && isauthenticated()) {              sendredirect(request, response);             return false;         } else {             return true;         }     }       private void sendredirect(httpservletrequest request,                                httpservletresponse response) {          response.setstatus(httpstatus.temporary_redirect.value());          response.setheader("location", response.encoderedirecturl(request.getcontextpath() + "/"));     }      private boolean isauthenticated() {         authentication authentication = securitycontextholder.getcontext().getauthentication();         return (authentication != null)                 && (!authentication instanceof anonymousauthenticationtoken)                && authentication.isauthenticated()     }  } 


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