skmaps - Skobbler 2.5.1 on Android occasionally routes to viaPoints incorrectly. -

i have example route i've tested using skobbler sdk.

start point: around 820 s macarthur blvd irving, tx 75063 end point: bass performance hall, fort worth, tx via point #1: shell gas station, 1224 oakland blvd fort worth, tx

the code that's used calculate route follows:

skroutesettings route = new skroutesettings(); // set start , destination points route.setstartcoordinate(start); route.setdestinationcoordinate(end); route.setnoofroutes(1); // set route mode route.setroutemode(skroutesettings.skroutemode.car_fastest); // traffic enabled route.setuselivetraffic(true); route.setuselivetrafficeta(true);  route.settollroadsavoided(true); route.setavoidferries(true); route.sethighwaysavoided(true);  arraylist<skviapoint> viapoints = new arraylist<skviapoint>(); viapoints.add(new skviapoint(via_point_id_otw_dest, viapoint)); route.setviapoints(viapoints); // set whether route should shown on map after it's computed route.setrouteexposed(true); // set traffic routing mode skroutemanager.getinstance().settrafficroutingmode(skmapsettings.sktrafficmode.flow_and_incidents); // set route listener notified of route calculation // events skroutemanager.getinstance().setroutelistener(this); // pass route calculation routine skroutemanager.getinstance().calculateroute(route); 

when compute route via skobbler sdk , display calculated route on skmapview, route doesn't make sense.

incorrect routing example route calculated on 1 of our test devices shows calculated route taking off freeway, turning right onto street , making u-turn @ end of street, before turning right again shell gas station. reason, routing algorithm not realizing route can go straight off freeway , turn right, or alternatively, turn right @ street off freeway , make immediate left.

this not instance of incorrect routing have witnessed, recent. in past, have been able make slight modifications coordinate passed via point make routing algorithm return sensible route, , able go recalculating original route correctly without long detours.

in case, in order view corrected route below, try routing same route again time later:

corrrect routing example

has experienced issue similar , there can done on client side prevent it? or perhaps request setting can made while requesting route calculation server might help?

thanks feedback on matter! -keith


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