jrebel - Disable reloading in Grails 3.1 / springloaded -

i'm trying disable automatic reload/recompiling in grails 3.1 use jrebel instead. find springloaded rather limited, more importantly fails

file /users/engrun/development/projects/grailspoc/grails-app/controllers/grailspoc/hellocontroller.groovy changed, recompiling... java.lang.illegalaccessexception: class org.springsource.loaded.reloadabletype can not access member of class org.springframework.aop.framework.cglibaopproxy$classloaderawareundeclaredthrowablestrategy modifiers "public" 

i have tried kinds of settings have found available, however, none disables reloading when running run-app command

i have tried


on command line, grails_opts, , in application.yml

i have tried


flag, both on command line , grails_opts.

according docs, should have worked https://grails.org/wiki/auto%20reloading

and answer accepted correct 1 here how can disable reloading in grails 3.0.0 app? not work either.

have succeeded in disabling auto-reloading in grails 3.1? (and configured grails 3 jrebel?)

in 3.x apps can disable spring loaded adding

grails {    agent {       enabled = false    } } 

to build.gradle.


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