python - Permutations and combinations error in kivy -

i have developed script shows combinations of given word (without imports have done )

class combinations(popup): def present(self):     import itertools     import sys     a=str(self.word.text)     count=0     if len(a)>=6:         os.startfile("e:\\python27\\my programs\\novos\\beta\\")     else:         h in itertools.permutations(a):             count=count+1             x=count, ''.join(h)             x=str(x)             x="\n"+x   "\nthere {0} combinations of {1}".format(count,a))) 

and corresponding .kv file

<combinations>: size_hint: .5, .9 title:"permutations , combinations" word:wo sh:sh boxlayout:     orientation:"vertical"     textinput:         id:wo         text:""         font_name:"roboto-light.ttf"         font_size:30     button:         text:"done"         on_press:root.present()     textinput:         id:sh         text:""         multiline:true         readonly:true     button:         text:"close"         on_press:root.dismiss() 

everything works fine when word 5 letters long, otherwise kivy interface hangs , have forcefully close it.

could answer this?


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