lua - Unfinished long string near <eof> -
function writefloat([=[==[===[====["game.exe"+xxxxxxxx]+xxx====]+xxx===]+xxx==]+xxx=]+xxx, trackbar_getposition(trainerform_cetrackbar1)) end
gives me error
[string "--code..."]:4: unfinished long string near
lua has "long strings", induced syntax of [=*[
, "=*" means "zero or more =
characters". [[
begins long string, [==[
or [=[
, in case.
a long string named because accepts every character between inducing syntax , terminating syntax. allows useful things add verbatim xml, c++, or lua code within lua script literal string.
the terminating syntax ]=*]
, "=*" means the exact same number of =
characters used induce long string. if start [=[
, long string only end ]=]
. ]]
, ]====]
or other terminus not end long string; they'll taken verbatim string.
so this:
local lit = [=[long string]==]=]
results in lit
taking value long string]==
in code, never see ]=]
sequence. have ====]
, similar things, don't start ]
it illegal start long string never ends in lua script. hence compile error.
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