ios - Recording video using AVFoundation Swift -

i created avcapturesession , manipulate each frame (morphing) users face,adding layers etc. how can turn frames video can saved camera roll?

here's how set avcapturesession

func setupcapture() {      let session : avcapturesession = avcapturesession()     session.sessionpreset = avcapturesessionpreset640x480       let device : avcapturedevice = avcapturedevice.defaultdevicewithmediatype(avmediatypevideo)     let deviceinput : avcapturedeviceinput = try! avcapturedeviceinput(device: device)       if session.canaddinput(deviceinput) {         session.addinput(deviceinput)     }      stillimageoutput = avcapturestillimageoutput()       videodataoutput = avcapturevideodataoutput()      let rgboutputsettings = [kcvpixelbufferpixelformattypekey string: nsnumber(unsignedint: kcmpixelformat_32bgra)]      videodataoutput.videosettings = rgboutputsettings     videodataoutput.alwaysdiscardslatevideoframes = true      videodataoutputqueue = dispatch_queue_create("videodataoutputqueue", dispatch_queue_serial)     videodataoutput.setsamplebufferdelegate(self, queue: videodataoutputqueue)      if session.canaddoutput(videodataoutput) {         session.addoutput(videodataoutput)     }     videodataoutput.connectionwithmediatype(avmediatypevideo).enabled = false      effectivescale = 1.0      previewlayer = avcapturevideopreviewlayer(session: session)     previewlayer.backgroundcolor = uicolor.blackcolor().cgcolor     previewlayer.videogravity = avlayervideogravityresizeaspect     let rootlayer : calayer = previewview.layer     rootlayer.maskstobounds = true     previewlayer.frame = rootlayer.bounds     rootlayer.addsublayer(previewlayer)     session.startrunning() } 

than use cmsamplebuffer ciimage add effects to.

func captureoutput(captureoutput: avcaptureoutput!, didoutputsamplebuffer samplebuffer: cmsamplebuffer!, fromconnection connection: avcaptureconnection!) {      let pixelbuffer : cvpixelbufferref = cmsamplebuffergetimagebuffer(samplebuffer)!     let attachments : cfdictionaryref = cmcopydictionaryofattachments(kcfallocatordefault, pixelbuffer, cmattachmentmode( kcmattachmentmode_shouldpropagate))!      let ciimage : ciimage = ciimage(cvpixelbuffer: pixelbuffer, options: attachments as? [string : anyobject]) 

how can record video doing this?

i found solution problem. working in swift , had same question. i'm thankful posted question because helped me lot. able process frames , write them camera roll. have not perfected it, possible.

it turns out once start messing around avcapturedataoutput allegedly lose ability use avcapturemoviefileoutput see discussion here.

a concise solution problem can found here. version implemented. feed samplebuffer avassetwriterinput object.

a more verbose guide solving problem describes parts (i.e. avassetwriter, avassetwriterinput , outsettings etc..) needed , like.

the links posted in obj-c can translated swift. hope have solved problem.


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