sensor - Capture and Update Lidar Scan Data in Matlab -

i want hokuyo ubg-04lx-f01 lidar scan , read range data matlab. code returns data 1 scan, can provide on how can code continuously return scan data (continuously update lidar scans). code matlab. thanks.

%this function capture , display scan data %it displays range data 1 scan 682 steps  function [rangescan] = capturedata(urg_device)  proceed=0; while (proceed==0)     fprintf(urg_device, 'gd0044072500\n');     pause(0.1);     data = fscanf(urg_device);      if numel(data) == 2134         proceed = 1;     end  end  = find(data == data(13)); rangedata = data(i(3)+1:end-1); onlyrangedata = []; j=0:31     onlyrangedata((64*j)+1:(64*j)+64) = rangedata( 1+(66*j):64+(66*j)); end  j=0; i=1:floor(numel(onlyrangedata)/3)     encodeddist(i,:)=[onlyrangedata((3*j)+1) onlyrangedata((3*j)+2) onlyrangedata((3*j)+3)];           j=j+1; end k=1:size(encodeddist,1)     rangescan(k)=decodescip(encodeddist(k,:)); end  end  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function decodes data, works 2 or 3 bit character encoding  function rangeval=decodescip(rangeenc) % check 2 or 3 character encoding if rangeenc(1)=='0' && rangeenc(2)=='0' && rangeenc(3)=='0'     rangeval=0;     return; end if rangeenc(1)=='0'     dig1=((rangeenc(2)-'!')+33);     dig2=((rangeenc(3)-'!')+33);     dig1sub=dig1-48;     dig2sub=dig2-48;     dig1bin=dec2bin(dig1sub,6);     dig2bin=dec2bin(dig2sub,6);     rangeval=bin2dec([dig1bin dig2bin]);     return; else     dig1=((rangeenc(1)-'!')+33);     dig2=((rangeenc(2)-'!')+33);     dig3=((rangeenc(3)-'!')+33);     dig1sub=dig1-48;     dig2sub=dig2-48;     dig3sub=dig3-48;     dig1bin=dec2bin(dig1sub,6);     dig2bin=dec2bin(dig2sub,6);     dig3bin=dec2bin(dig3sub,6);     rangeval=bin2dec([dig1bin dig2bin dig3bin]);     return;  end  end 


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