c# - How to query IDBSet via linq -
i have table attempting query in order create menu. querying related tables pair down result. have models project contains of data models. in entities file have
public idbset<agent> agents { get; set; } public idbset<userslogin> userslogins { get; set; } public idbset<role> roles { get; set; } public idbset<userrolemapping> userrolemappings { get; set; } public idbset<qualifier> qualifiers { get; set; } public idbset<tblmenus> tblmenu { get; set; } public idbset<tblusermenumapping> tblusermenumappings { get; set; } public idbset<tblrolemenumapping> tblrolemenumappings { get; set; }
in interface have icollection<tblmenus> getallmenus();
then have linq query pares down , returns main menus , child menus.
public icollection<tblmenus> getallmenus() { if (global.currentprofile.userid == 1) { return dataaccess.tblmenu.where(m => !m.isdeleted).tolist(); } else { var userinfo = getuserinfo(); usertype = userinfo.first().usertypeid; var childrolemenus = menus in dataaccess.tblmenu join rolemenus in dataaccess.tblrolemenumappings on menus.menuid equals rolemenus.menuid join userroles in dataaccess.userrolemappings on rolemenus.roleid equals userroles.roleid userroles.userid == global.currentprofile.userid && !menus.isdeleted select menus; var userchildmenus = menus in dataaccess.tblmenu join usermenus in dataaccess.tblusermenumappings on menus.menuid equals usermenus.menuid usermenus.userid == global.currentprofile.userid select menus; var childmenus = childrolemenus.union(userchildmenus).tolist();
however when execute query in page returns error.
the specified type member 'menuid' not supported in linq entities. initializers, entity members, , entity navigation properties supported
here models.
public class tblmenus : modelbase { public int menuid { get; set; } public string menuname { get; set; } public string menulink { get; set; } public nullable<int> parentid { get; set; } public nullable<bool> isparent { get; set; } public string iconimagepath { get; set; } public nullable<int> applicationid { get; set; } public int createdby { get; set; } public system.datetime createdon { get; set; } public string updatedby { get; set; } public nullable<system.datetime> updatedon { get; set; } public bool isdeleted { get; set; } public string processedpage { get; set; } public string menutarget { get; set; } public nullable<bool> isenabled { get; set; } public string menucategory { get; set; } public int menuorder { get; set; } public virtual icollection<tblrolemenumapping> tblrolemenumapping { get; set; } public int rolemenuid { get; set; } public int roleid { get; set; } public int menuid { get; set; } public int createdby { get; set; } public system.datetime createdon { get; set; } public nullable<int> updatedby { get; set; } public nullable<system.datetime> updatedon { get; set; } public nullable<bool> isdeleted { get; set; } public string processedpage { get; set; } public string pageaccessibility { get; set; } public virtual icollection<tblmenus> tblmenus { get; set; } public virtual icollection<role> role { get; set; } public class tblusermenumapping : modelbase { public int usermenuid { get; set; } public int userid { get; set; } public int menuid { get; set; } public nullable<int> createdby { get; set; } public nullable<system.datetime> createdon { get; set; } public nullable<int> updatedby { get; set; } public nullable<system.datetime> updatedon { get; set; } public bool isdeleted { get; set; }
it's hard sure without seeing whole of both model classes , database. things check are:
- verify each respective 'menuid' column exist in each underlying table. because aren't using mapping configurations, need make sure column names follow convention naming ef expects.
- verify foreign key relationship between 2 tables.
from more general perspective, consider using configuration classes relationships explicit , model more changed tables map to.
finally, may see clues inspecting sql ef has generated. use technique described in this post red flags (like ef looking column doesn't exist):
var result = x in appentities x.id = 32 select x; var sql = ((system.data.objects.objectquery)result).totracestring();
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