java - Creating a 3D shadow effect on images with itextpdf -
i want create 3d shadow effect on images place in pdf. using itextpdf. question similar : adding shadow effect on itext elements
but images , not texts. images placed in table cells. long table not completed, no way actual size of image nor coordinates in page, makes tricky. brilliant id ? , regards, sylvain
4 hours later, found way using pdfcellevent , drawing need inside cell's padding.
static class shadowrectangle implements pdfpcellevent { public void celllayout(pdfpcell cell, rectangle rect, pdfcontentbyte[] canvas) { pdfcontentbyte lcb = canvas[pdfptable.linecanvas]; // paddings border int paddinghorizontal = 8; int paddingvertical = 8; // width of shadow int shadowwidth = 7; // calculate border location , size float left = rect.getleft() + paddinghorizontal; float bottom = rect.getbottom() + paddingvertical; float width = rect.getwidth() - 2 * paddinghorizontal; float height = rect.getheight() - 2 * paddingvertical; lcb.savestate(); lcb.setcolorfill(basecolor.gray); // draw shadow @ bottom lcb.rectangle(left + shadowwidth, bottom - shadowwidth, width, shadowwidth); lcb.fill(); // draw shadow @ right lcb.rectangle(left + width, bottom - shadowwidth, shadowwidth, height); lcb.fill(); //lcb.setcolorstroke(; // draw border //lcb.rectangle(left, bottom, width, height); lcb.stroke(); lcb.restorestate(); } }
// , fill pdfptable way
pdfptable limages = new pdfptable(nb_picture_per_row); limages.getdefaultcell().setborder(rectangle.no_border);
// ... in loop
limageboucle = image.getinstance(lfile.getcanonicalpath() + file.separator + ltabphotos[i]); pdfpcell lcell = new pdfpcell(); lcell.setimage(limageboucle); lcell.setborder(rectangle.no_border); lcell.setpadding(8); pdfpcellevent lshadowrectangle = new shadowrectangle(); lcell.setcellevent(lshadowrectangle); limages.addcell(lcell);
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